Monday, October 17, 2005

Chaplain Glum Chum eh?

Organizing a trip to Nicaruagua is hard... Who knew?
But this is my job, for some reason...

I'm the assistant chaplain according to my boss, even though that should technically be assistant to the chaplain... My boss says he should make me a chaplain, and can...

All I need is the backing of a religious organization... Done!
And an official to recommend me... Done!

Only problem is this... Chaplains get paid by the religious organization they represent...
So I won't get paid, but it'll sure look interesting on my resume...


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Trenchcat Weather

The temperature is dropping... Well at least it did two days ago, I can't believe it was 23 degrees today... That was surprising...

But soon enough it will be fall trenchcoat weather and I'll be wearing my armour again...

This year I thought I'd do things a bit differently though...
I thought maybe a pirate coat... Crazy, but not quite crazy enough...
Then I thought maybe a WW2 pilot's coat... But I don't want to go rob veterans... or do I?

Well anyway... I've settled on the brand new idea displayed above... I think it will revolutionalize the way people do trenchcoats...

Ladies, gentleman, and uh... other things... I present...
The TrenchCat...