Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Ah May 2-4...

I didn't go to a party - not invited to one, not in the town I actually was in anyway...
Nor did I go camping... Though it was 4 degrees during the night, so that's okay...
I wish I would have seen fireworks as I like them, but such is life...

I went to the pub with the nerds for dinner and drinks, and we hung out for many hours and had a good time. Then I went and played some video games with a James, Lauren, Tracy, and Bob...

At this point, slightly before midnight, I walked the ten minutes home from James's house. Nothing crazy... Well except that I was wearing a brown leather trenchcoat, my dark glasses at night, oh... and carrying a big freaking axe as I walked home past the bars, police station, and university...

Quite frankly, I was surprised I didn't have to explain myself to someone. And I wonder what the cars at the intersection thought as they saw me walking around with the axe...

Free battle axe made out of a table leg...
Heh... Best May 2-4 ever!!

Monday, May 22, 2006

1 week back, feeling odd, and bored...

I still feel like I'm under Nicaragua's influence...
I can't seem to get back into the groove of life back here. I have no roommates, which is nice, but boring. It's 6-14 degrees which is minimum 30 degrees less than Managua. And the setting just feels off.

I still miss the folks I went there with, good people. It's annoying to have to create some pretense to hang out with friends... Dinners, and the like...

It was so much more fun to get up, sit in a hammock, and just discuss random things with people. I've got the hammock, and I wake up and sit in it and discuss things. However, as it's just me, conversations are humourous but I learn no new information.

Bah, the last week back has been dull and left me with an odd feeling of desire to gather up at least some of the group and to travel the world doing random crap. Hurray!

Nicaragua... That damn country, it gets inside you, like one of its festive array of parasites

Monday, May 15, 2006

Well... I'm back...

I have returned from Nicaragua... Nineteen days have passed since I left...
It was for lack of any better word... an experience...

However, being back here... In this country, this town, this room...
I feel as if I have awoken from a surreal dream I never meant to wake from. Everything is still the same, except my memories and my perceptions of the world.

I feel so odd that the friends I made along the way will not be around tommorow, and this saddens me...

No Cecelia smile, nor Agnes scowl, nor Peter or Darren humour to blend with my own...

I'm happy I did this...
It was an experience...