Sunday, July 31, 2005

Bouncing of the walls of my cave all month...

My friends are moving to Guelph on monday. Other than them, all the people I know in this town are insanely busy, impossible to track down, or non-existant figments of my twisted imagination.

With my current injury recovery I can't really go anyway for more than a day trip, nor walk anywhere too far, and I can't work, etc...

I quite litterally have nothing to do... I should work on things like my drawings, but when in this sort of feeling its so hard to get into a creative mode.

It's only been 3 days since my surgery and I'm already going nuts - well more so... By the end of the month when its time to return to university I'll be lucky if I can actually leave my cave without bursting into flames from my fair skin/eyes, and if my brain is coherent enough to differentiate between lightposts and people...

or fire and sexy broads... (a mistake I'd rather not make again - Fire=HOT!!)

Anywho... I'm spending too much time on this computer...
but what else can I do?
Oh you'd like that wouldn't you?
Hey maybe I will smartass...

The Glum Chum

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Man I wanted that housecoat...

I just got out of the hospital for a very minor surgery...
I'll refrain from the details...

I wanted to steal my hospital issue housecoat...

Sadly just as I was folding it up to put it with my things, the nurse walked in to check out my roommate...
DAMN!!! It would have been interesting...

As for the rest...
surgery - ok
time waiting - ok
nurses - ok
roommate - ok (not like the endlessly coughing or annoying roommate you expect...

Man I wanted that housecoat, just for the randomness of it...

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The Mysticism of Weather

The wind keeps trying to steal my straw hat and the plastic fern within...
I assume the spirits in the wind simply love my fashion choice so much that they must have it for themselves...

Why else would the wind try and steal my hat?

Nathan - explain that to me with your precious "science"

Monday, July 18, 2005

So my blood has the mad cow?!?

Well it doesn't!!

Ever since the craziness with HIV being spread through blood transfusions a few decades ago - health services have been afraid of anything like that again...
Now that's not a bad thing per se...

However, as I lived in England for more than 3 months during the times of the Mad Cow scare back in the early 80s I can't give blood - just in case I somehow have it - and just in case it somehow passes from my blood to someone...

Now my understanding of mad cow may be limited - but the symptoms include a change in attitude and behavior, gradual uncoordinated movements, trouble standing and walking, weight loss despite having an appetite, and decreased milk production.

Oh yeah... and BRAIN ATROPHY!!!

Last time I checked I eat a lot and am not losing weight...
Only have trouble standing and walking where good and drunk...
My milk production is up to par...

Maybe I'm suffering from the memory loss and dementia aspect of things...

But my brain has not atrophied...

I hate needles, but I believe in giving blood...
Stupid jerks...

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Ah and so it comes to pass...

Ah and so it comes to pass...

Horns - Done
Trumpets - Done
Harpe - Done
Violins - Done
Violas - Done
Cello - Done
Bass - Done

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

You'll pay for this Violas!!

I'm getting better at this music transcribing thing...
First violin part took me 6 hours, but I managed to to the second violin part in only 3 hours.

Now mind you those 9 hours were together and DULL!!!
Though being unemployed I'm quite happy to do this for the money...

But anywho... Only Violas, Cello, and Bass to go... WOO!!

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Like a giant hawk ripping apart a bunny on a lamp post...

Schindlers list is sad...
One of those movies everyone tells you - you need to watch...
And now I have... Shame the dvd was scratched to hell so the last hour was choppy...

As I walked to the girl's apartment to watch set movie, I noticed a number of people staring at me... Or so I thought...
Turns out they were staring at the giant hawk ripping apart a bunny on the lamp post right above my head. The hawk then stopped and stared at me as I walked past frightfully...

Then it occured to me...
Life is like a giant hawk ripping apart a bunny on a lamp post...
You can be the the hawk...
You can be the bunny...
Or you can be the lamp post...

I'm starting to think I'm very likely one of those few in life who are the lamp post...

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Absolutely bat-shit insane...

I am trying to create a schedule that will actually work for me for next year...
I need to fit in one more class for first semester... Preferably on Monday/Wednesday...

However, everything that's half-way interesting and I try to fit into my schedule...
Is from 2:30-3:50pm... That's 8 freakin classes in a row...

Are all the damn classes from 2:30-3:50pm? Or have I taken them? Or are they simply reverse vampires that need to be home before dark?

This is driving me insane... Absolutely bat-shit insane...

I wanted to be out of here by Jan and now I'll be here until september anyway... Give me something to work with!!

Monday, July 04, 2005

Spin in a washtub? Spit on a shoe?

If I'm gonna be stuck here for another year - I may as well just take this last year...

I've chosen to learn to speak Arabic as well as French... My thoughts are this will pretty much make it so I can get some sort of job with the Government or something...

Not exactly sure what to do with myself - as if that's new...
I'd rather learn Japanese... But what can you do?
Spin in a washtub? Spit on a shoe?

Okay now I'm just getting weird...