Monday, July 18, 2005

So my blood has the mad cow?!?

Well it doesn't!!

Ever since the craziness with HIV being spread through blood transfusions a few decades ago - health services have been afraid of anything like that again...
Now that's not a bad thing per se...

However, as I lived in England for more than 3 months during the times of the Mad Cow scare back in the early 80s I can't give blood - just in case I somehow have it - and just in case it somehow passes from my blood to someone...

Now my understanding of mad cow may be limited - but the symptoms include a change in attitude and behavior, gradual uncoordinated movements, trouble standing and walking, weight loss despite having an appetite, and decreased milk production.

Oh yeah... and BRAIN ATROPHY!!!

Last time I checked I eat a lot and am not losing weight...
Only have trouble standing and walking where good and drunk...
My milk production is up to par...

Maybe I'm suffering from the memory loss and dementia aspect of things...

But my brain has not atrophied...

I hate needles, but I believe in giving blood...
Stupid jerks...


Blogger laf said...

Hee hee hee.... mad cow...

8:39 PM  
Blogger Sazzmo said...

Yeah I was bored and looking around all our blogs...

Thats what made me think of writing about my anger at blood drives...

11:37 PM  
Blogger MyMaidMary said...

My understainding of mad cow is that you should probably have given it to someone else. It just wouldn't seem fair otherwise.

11:22 PM  
Blogger laf said...

Agreed! Mad cow is, as a rule, much better when shared.

5:09 AM  
Blogger Borderguard said...

Shame on you! You have mad cow and you're not sharing? You could make so many people VERY HAPPY! I'm not impressed at ALL!

8:32 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

I feel your pain. Being that we share the same blood. I have been turned down by the Red Cross for the same reason. And upon asking the nurse why she said, "you might be carrying mad cow disease" and i said, "what would happen if i did have it?" and she replied non-chalantly, "your brain would dissolve". I then replied to her after a moment of hesitation "then i'm pretty sure i don't have it". she still wouldn't take my blood. I ran the blood drive in high school and when it was discovered why i wasn't giving blood myself i then was given the much less desired (and thankfully short lived) nickname of M.C. Mad Cow. Just what every girl wants guys to yell down the hall to her in high school.

5:27 PM  

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